Research takes time. Wednesday I had some extra time thanks to a sensationalized snow storm here in the Northeast. I paged through the blogs of several authors with whom I am acquainted. I found a treasure trove of websites offering free books. They all ask for the same thing in return - a review on your blog. It is a promotional campaign for new releases which I am ecstatic to join.

Booksneeze asks that bloggers "post a review of 200 words or more on your blog and a consumer website". You may only request one book at a time from their list of available books. Once you have posted on the required review, you may request another book.

The Tyndale Media Center Blog Network also offers free books to reviewers. They have a list of available products as well as a Reviewers Guidelines page.

Pump Up Your Book is another publicity company that offers a list of books for free for review.

Check out some of the other links on the side bar on this page and the book review page here on my site. Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting more reviews of the books I'm receiving for free. I might even be inclined to part with a few depending on how many comments each review receives.

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